Autotrade is the ability to have our trades automatically made for you in your brokerage account.
How Does It Work?
- Open an account with a broker that we auto trade with. (Find the list here)
- Contact your broker and let them know you would like to auto our picks.
- Your broker will contact us to verify your membership
- We will submit our traders to the broker
- The broker enter those trades into your account
You will decide how many options or money to risk on each trade.
**At no time does Option Genius, Weekly Trading System, or Simon Say Options have any access to your account***
If you have any problems with your account or trades not being executed, you need to contact your broker.
Autotrading is a great concept where members have the ability to have their broker execute the trades for them in their account.
Best of all, there is no extra charge for this service.
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